Inspire 2021


15 Feb 2022

On February 15, 2022, Benson Binoy (12C), Joel Sunil (11A) and Chris Paulose (9B) participated in the Inspire 2021 event hosted by GEMS Our Own High School Dubai.

The event provided an opportunity for the students to express their thoughts, perspectives, and ideas on the theme "Breaking Barriers."

Benson Binoy (12C) impressed the audience in the Inspire Forum with his insights into the lives of Margaret Thatcher and Neeraj Chopra, while Joel Sunil (11A) and Chris Paulose (9B) captivated the audience in the Expressions category with their speeches on their quest to break down barriers.

The entire program was jam-packed with information, and outstanding presentations from a range of views that provided insight and aided students in building a broader perspective.


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