UAE National Agenda


TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) is a large-scale international assessment of mathematics and science in Year 5 and Year 9, conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).

Grade 4 Results - 2019

 Grade 4

Grade 8 Results - 2019

Grade 8


Grade 4 Results

Grade 8 Results


Programme for International Student Assessment






CAT4 (Cognitive Abilities Test Fourth Edition) assesses developed abilities, Verbal Reasoning (thinking with words), Quantitative (or Numerical) Reasoning (thinking with numbers), Non -Verbal Reasoning (thinking with shapes) and Spatial Ability (thinking with shapes and space).


ASSET is a skill based test that measures student’s conceptual understanding, benchmarks school’s performance at an international, national & regional level with actionable insights through easy-to-understand reports.

ASSET Result Analysis Across Years

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