Tuition Fees

Convenient, structured payments for an outstanding education

Fees and Payments

We endeavour to make our payment process as easy as possible with a range of simple and straightforward payment options, as well as a clear, concise fee structure. You’ll find everything you need to know about our fees and payment process here. Of course, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Telephone: +971 6 5355227

Email: [email protected]

Payment Policies

The tuition fees are due prior to the start of the academic year and payable in advance of attendance, at the start of each month. Tuition fees will be invoiced from the time of admission to ensure that payments can be processed before the start of the month. If your circumstances change, it is essential that you contact us in advance of the deadline so that we can guide you on available options. Please note, all tuition fees are in accordance with the fee structure established by GEMS Education under the guidance of SPEA established School Fee Framework.

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Whilst our fees vary upon the level of the student, we make our fee structure as simple, clear and easy to understand as possible.

Please find a breakdown of our tuition and additional fees below. If you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. 




  Use your GEMS FAB Mastercard to pay your annual tuition fees in advance and SAVE 4.25% on GEMS school fees. Read more here.

Tuition Fees
KG1 & KG2
Grade 1 to 5
Grade 6 to 9  Grade 10 to 12
 800 983
1,156 1,521
 May  800 960 1,150  1,500 
 June 800 960  1,150  1,500 
 September 800  960   1,150  1,500  
 October 800   960    1,150 1,500
 November  800  960 1,150 1,500
 December  800  960   1,150  1,500 
 January  800  960  1,150   1,500  
 February 800   960    1,150  1,500 
 March 791  960   1,150 1,500
 TUITION FEE TOTAL 7,991  9,623 11,506   15,021

  • Tuition Fee payable in a year will be collected in 10 installments. Fees will not be collected for the months of July and August. Fees can be paid in advance also.
  • Mode of payment: Cash/Current dated cheques / Credit Card. Post dated cheques will not be accepted.
  • Cheques should be made in favor of ‘Our Own English High School – BR-1’ only.
  • Students will not be permitted to appear for the school examinations if their fees are not paid.

Fee for New Admissions

For new admissions, a fee of AED 500 will be due upon acceptance of the Offer Letter and confirmation of enrolment in the applicable academic year.

This fee is non-refundable/non-transferable but adjustable against the first term tuition fee once the student joins the school.

SPEA Approved Fees Structure for the Academic Year 2024-25*

 Grade  Tuition fees for AY 2024-25 Textbook fee for AY 2024-25*  SPEA-approved fees for AY 2024-25* 
 KG1  7,991  140  8,131
 KG2  7,991  182  8,173
 1  9,623  474  10,097
 2  9,623  503  10,126
 3  9,623  534  10,157
 4 9,623


 5 9,623  579  10,202
 6  11,506  602  12,108
 7  11,506  641  12,147
 8  11,506  699  12,205
 9  11,506  405  11,911
 10  15,021  472  15,493
 11  15,021  524  15,545
 12  15,021  631 15,652

*Please note: Sale of textbooks is outsourced to the approved third-party vendor, which means the associated textbook fee mentioned in the above table will not be charged and collected by The School directly. The Text Books Fees Mentioned above does not include any workbook prices and other stationery prices.

Disclaimer: “Please note that school fees for the upcoming academic year are subject to change in accordance with Article 51 the Bylaw of Federal Law No. (28) of 1999 Concerning Private Education and applicable regulations.”

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