Mr. Vipin.M.M
Supervisor - Grades 11&12
Vipin has joined Team Our Own English High School, Sharjah, Boys’ in 2019, yet he is a veteran of the GEMS group having been with this family since 2005. He began his career as a senior Physics teacher and moved onto become a House Master, Head of the Department of Science and the Coordinator for conducting the CBSE Board examinations from 2007-2014.
A motivational, down-to-earth individual, Vipin is known to walk through the corridors of the school, conversing with his senior boys, bonding with them over the latest football or cricket scores and also talking about their predicted grades for themselves for the next examination.
One skill up-his-sleeve is that he is quite a hand in designing challenging, enriching and innovative activities that address the diverse needs of students.
A GEMS Teacher awardee in 2012, Vipin rose to become the Academic Supervisor and has a wide range of experience in both CBSE and British Curriculum.
When asked what would he best like to be remembered as, Vipin says, as an enthusiastic educator with passionate commitment to student development and the learning experience based on their unique social, emotional, physical and intellectual characteristics.