KG_Healthy Food

Health is Wealth Week

25 Sep 2023

The Kindergarten Department celebrated ‘Health is Wealth Week’ from 25 September to 5 October 2023. The program's primary goal was to promote awareness of healthy choices and implement best practices for leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

Throughout the week, the children actively engaged in various activities, emphasizing the significance of maintaining good health and fitness. These activities included Zumba sessions, preparing fruit salads, dressing up, and discussing their favourite healthy foods.

We were honored to have a special guest from the medical field, Dr. Haris Chundiyan Moochi, a General Practitioner and the parent of Zayed from KG1G. Dr. Moochi delivered an inspirational talk on health and hygiene, motivating students to make nutritious food choices.

One highlight of the week was the show-and-tell event and the fancy dress parade, during which students dressed up as fruits and vegetables. This parade aimed to raise awareness among students about the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables in their diets.

As the week concluded, OOB Kindergarten hosted the eagerly anticipated event, 'Food Fiesta: Cooking Without Fire.' This event had a tremendously positive impact, involving our parent community and adding an element of fun to the children's learning experience.

All of these activities were immensely enjoyable for our young learners and highly informative, instilling valuable knowledge and habits that they will carry with them throughout their lives.


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