Data Science

Data Science

New Subject introduced for Grade 11

The world we are part of is highly data-driven. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field of study that enables the corporate world to study this gigantic volume of data to make meaningful insights. Thorough use of data analysis techniques yields fitting solutions to complex business problems resulting in a hike in the profit graph.It is not a surprise that Data Science is considered one of the best lucrative job fields of the 21st century.

CBSE has introduced data science for class VIII-XII in a tie-up with Microsoft, to equip school students with ample knowledge and understanding of one of the trendiest fields of study. The Data Science Curriculum is focused on building critical thinking, computational skills, problem-solving skills, creativity, and hands-on exposure to new technologies.

Some of the key features of the curriculum include:

  • Introduction to Data and Data Science; Ethics in Data Science and Data Governance  
  • Data Visualization and Use of statistics
  • Assessing data and forecasting data
  • Introduction to R studio
  • Supervised and Unsupervised learning algorithms
  • Projects on data science

OOB has taken a bold step to inculcate the new field of study in the scheme of studies. This is done in perfect alignment with the sole goal and vision of the school, which is to make our boys future-ready in every possible way. 


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